Ecoles Libres

Un site de la Fondation pour l’école

Qui-sommes-nous ?


The International School of Nice's vision is to be a leading IB World School.
Our Mission is to inspire, support, and nurture our multi-cultural students to be well-educated and empathetic global citizens.

Our mission is to:

Inspire students to take a leading, active, and caring role in our changing world.

Support students in achieving their academic potential, and developing their individuality.

Nourish the minds and spirits of our students in a safe, friendly, and caring environment.

School Philosphy
The International School of Nice Places the student at the centre of the learning process.

Utilizes a range and balance of teaching styles to allow each student to fully develop as a whole person.

Nourishes a family atmosphere and community spirit in our learning environment.

Implements non-discriminatory practice and inclusive education.

Involves all constituencies – students, teachers, parents, and administration in achieving the success of our goals.

Inspires and empowers our students to make a positive difference to their world.

Actively inspires students to have empathy and compassion with people everywhere.

Nourishes an appreciation of the life and culture of the host country and the international community as a whole.

Students as IB World School students embrace the IBO Mission Statement, and uphold its aims as defined in the Learner Profile.

Internat / Externat
Adresse postale
Email de l'établissement
Offres d'emplois
Offres d'emploi de l'établissement : Groupe scolaire ISN (06) - Retrouvez toutes les offres sur : Emploi - Ecoles Libres

Ateliers, tables rondes, village des écoles, stands, mise en réseau… Cet événement incontournable revient pour une 5ème édition. Réservez vos places dès à présent !

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